
iphone application

Crowdstory is a location-based social application that allows users to record audio "snippets" with their friends and social networks. I was a co-inventor, graphic designer, and intern in the Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth's first ever Software Business Accelerator in Fall 2010. My team and I developed Crowdstory from an initial idea to a fully functioning iPhone application that was accepted onto the iTunes App Store. I was responsible for branding the application, user interface design and experience, and promotional materials.

In Spring of 2011, my team and I had the opportunity to go to SXSW Interactive Conference in Austin, TX to promote our application. I designed a large banner, t-shirts, and several small fliers and hand outs for the conference. We also hosted an event at the University of Oklahoma campus to try to gain student users. I created a series of posters to promote the OU campus event, along with more small hand out fliers.

CCEW Software Business Accelerator Internship

fall 2010 - may 2011

designer, co-inventor

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