McDonald's of New York Tri-State Area


Moroch participated in several RFPs at the beginning of this year - one of which was for McDonald’s of New York Tri-State. As a standard, McDonald doesn’t usually allow co-ops to have individual websites, but a few of the larger and older areas still retain theirs. New York Tri-state is one of the oldest co-ops and they were requesting a new design and strategy for their website and Extra Values Club. I was responsible for providing three website looks to present during the RFP presentation in New York, including the one below.

The design needed to reflect the New York Tri-state area and culture. It also incorporated time-sensitive changing content such as location-based header images and rotating food products featured for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The site’s goal was to show it’s connection to it’s community as well as drive enrollment in their Extra Values Club.

McDonald's Tri-State Area

february 2014


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